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Review: Kinera SIF - The “Yang” Energy

With the release of Kinera Seed (Yin), Kinera completes the concept of dualism in Chinese Philosophy with the launch of Kinera SIF (Yang) to cater to different needs from the audiophile community.


This review is originally posted on Headphonesty. Thanks to Mr Lee from E1 Personal Audio and Steve from Kinera for sending the Kinera SIF. The product was provided to me free of charge in exchange for my honest review and opinion.


Kinera Audio, an in-ear monitor (IEM) manufacturer from China established in year 2012, has been producing IEMs for different price ranges. With strong support from their research and development (R&D) team, their products have won them a good reputation from their customers.

Kinera Audio released Seed in Spring 2018. Kinera Audio adopted dualism (Yin-Yang) theory from Confucianism. Kinera Seed is the Yin (female or darkness), which has a lean and dark sound signature. In Spring 2019, Kinera Audio decided to balance the Yin with the Yang force (male or brightness) of Kinera SIF from Kinera Seed.

At the root of many harmonizing philosophies was an ancient Chinese belief in the dualism, or two-sidedness, of nature. This idea states that everything in the world results from a balance between two forces.
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